Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Explain Data Table in QTP.

The Data table is similar to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet where you can store and use the data in its cells also you can use formulas in these cells.  The DTsheet and DTparameter can be used to manipulate the data in any cells of the data table.
The usage of Data table parameters and output values helps to do data driven test that runs multiple times.
The QTP creates a run time data table which is a live version of the data table associated with the test which helps to see any changed occurred to the data table. When the run session ends the run time data table closes. The final data from the run time data table is displayed in the Run time data table in the Test results window.
Data table has two types of data sheets,
1)      Global
The data can be stored in global tab when the data is made available in all actions performed in the test.
2)      Action
The data can be stored in the action tab when the data is made available for that particular action in the test.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

What is a Test Tree? How it can be viewed?

Test Tree provides graphical representation of the operation performed with the application. The Test Tree is displayed through Tree view Tab.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Explain Object Repository in QTP.

QTP stores the recorded object properties in Object repository. It displays a Test Tree of all the objects in the current action or entire test.
When we create new test, there will be two ways to store test objects and the types of object repository are,
1)      Local object repository
Local object repository stores objects in a file that is associated with one specific action, so only that action can access the stored objects.
2)      Shared object repository
Shared object repository stores test objects in a file that can be accessed by multiple tests.
The Object repository is used to,
1)      View or Modify the properties of any test object in the repository
2)      Add new objects to the repository.
3)      You can use the same shared object repository for multiple actions, if the actions include the same object.
Navigation :
Resource – Object Repository Manager
